We love to do research, but we also want to get our students excited about Visual Cognition. The lab is involved in a number of lectures and seminars at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, including Cognitive Psychology for both BSc and MSc students as well as practical seminars on Research Methods and Eye-Tracking. Here you can find a selection of topics we teach.



Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: in this lecture we introduce the concepts that are at the heart of Cognitive Psychology, such as Perception, Attention, Memory, Language, Problem solving, Decision making etc...  


Cogito Ergo Sum: We introduce the brain as a predictive machine and demonstrate the remarkable capabilities of long-term memory, as well as the detection and search performance of experts. We also discuss the complex interactions between top-down and bottom-up processing.  


Workshops & Seminars

From 0 to 1: An advanced workshop on experimental, statistical and programming methods in cognitive psychology: A unique characteristic of psychology students is their knowledge of experimental methods and statisticsis. Python and R are...   >>continue>>


Experimental methods (EXPRA): In EXPRA students learn how to conduct a scientific study and how to communicate it – via poster and research report. During the first sessions you will learn everything about scientific practices, refresh some knowledge of statistics and... >>continue>>

Advanced Cognitive Psychology: This course provides a more in depth understanding of cognitive psychology. We provide appreciation for the complex mental tasks which you accomplish every day, and which you likely take entirely for granted. We examine the theory (and data!) behind a variety of cognitive phenomena, including (but not limited to) attention, memory, perception, language, and decision making.


Introduction to Eye Tracking Theory and Methods: This course is designed to provide you with an introduction to the methods and theory of eye movements and their recordings. Its primary goals are to: (1) teach you the basics of designing, conducting, and communicating psychological research using eye  movement recordings; (2) encourage you to become a critical consumer of basic and applied research; (3) provide you with hands-on eye-tracking experience.

Experimental programming made easy: A cross-disciplinary workshop for students from different backgrounds.  The aim of this course is to provide you with a general understanding of experimental design and programming. 

R tutorial: As part of an "autonomes Tutorium" these weekly sessions serve to teach students "R" basics. For most of them this is the first time getting in contact with "R" so the hope is to spark an interest and to inspire them to use "R" in their own future research.